Our Blog
How Often to Add Salt to Your Water Softener
water softener salt In order for your water softener to work properly, it's important that you attend to some basic maintenance steps. Most notably, it's important to keep your brine tank filled to the proper salt level. As such, homeowners often wonder: Exactly how...
What is the Best Water Softener Salt?
Our Advice: Choose Water Softener Pellets At Carter's My Plumber, we highly recommend choosing salt pellets. What happens when you use salt crystals is a "salt bridge" can form. A salt bridge is a hard crust that develops over the water in the brine tank, making it...
How Long Do Water Softeners Last?
What's the Life Expectancy of My Water Softener? With the right level of maintenance, water softeners can often last as long as 20 years. But there are a lot of variables to consider. The first thing homeowners should know is that the older a water softener is, the...
At Carter’s we have started a new program to help others in need, called CARTER CARES! Our vision for the company is to be Indy’s fastest hot water provider with the bold guarantee of “Hot Water Today or It’s You We Pay!” With this vision in mind, we want to ensure...
Bathroom Sink Smells: How to Get Rid of Unpleasant Odors
Most homeowners try pretty hard to keep revolting odors out of their bathroom. They clean their toilet regularly. They empty the wastebasket. They keep the bathroom stocked with potpourri or deodorizing spray. But what if those efforts aren't enough to keep your...
Carter Care’s installs New Water Heater for Single Mom
At Carter’s My Plumber, we understand 2020 has been tough year for many people in our community. This pandemic has created so many tough challenges. Whether it be your finances, job status, health, childcare, or overall livelihood we all have been or know a loved one...
Should You Tip a Plumber? General Tipping Guidelines and Etiquette for Plumbers
Are You Supposed to Tip Plumbers? Is tipping a plumber & other tradesmen expected? I mean you tip the local, part-time, teenage pizza delivery guy. Why not the more experienced men & women in the trades? It depends on a couple of factors. But, usually it is...
How Long Does it Take a Water Heater to Heat Water?
Your water heater is one of those home appliances that's easy to take for granted. You depend on it to give you comfortable showers, and to ensure you have enough warm water on hand to wash your dishes. And so long as your water heater is working as intended, you...
What To Do When Your Water Heater is Leaking
Water Heater Repair Most of us go from day to day without thinking too much about our hot water heater... that is, until the unit breaks down in some way. There are a number of ways in which a hot water heater might malfunction, but the most immediately obvious is...
Common Plumbing Myths Debunked
As a homeowner, you've probably learned some basic home maintenance abilities. But even if you consider yourself to be pretty handy, sooner or later you'll run into a project that throws you for a loop. And when that happens, you'll likely head to Google or YouTube...
Water Heater Recycling: How to Dispose of Your Old Unit in Indianapolis
Water Heater When you purchase a new water heater, you're probably not thinking too much about what you'll do with the old one. And yet, that's an issue that must be addressed. All of a sudden, you have two water heaters in your home, one that works and one that...
What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of a Tankless Water Heater?
Is your water heater on its last legs? If your unit has been in place for more than 12-15 years, you may be almost ready for a new one. And as you think about getting a new water heater, there are a few basic decisions you'll need to make. One of the most fundamental...
Do You Call a Plumber to Fix a Hot Water Heater?
PlumberMale Worker With Clipboard Adjusting Temperature Of Water Heater The best way to get the needed repair work done Most days, you probably don't think too much about your water heater. So long as it's doing what it was made to do, there's no reason for it to be...
Our Gratitude to Plumbers during COVID-19
Our Gratitude to Plumbers and other essential tradespeople during COVID- 19 We at Carters My Plumber, want to show gratitude to our plumbers and the other tradespeople who have been deemed essential during this time of crisis. We see firsthand just how essential the...
How to Fix a Leaky Garbage Disposal
Garbage disposal leaking? Let's fix it! Although leaking garbage disposals are not typically detected until a puddle is forming under your sink, there are a number of solutions to address the issue before it becomes a larger problem. The first and most important step...
A Note from Carter’s My Plumber regarding COVID-19
At Carter's My Plumber, we care deeply about our community and the people who live here. We are very concerned about how COVID-19 may impact our plumbers, as well as, homeowners. The health and safety of our employees and customers is our top priority. We are...
What Are The Signs of a Broken Sewer Pipe?
THE SIGNS OF A BROKEN SEWER PIPE A sewer pipe break is a headache. There I said it. It causes back-ups into your home and possible sewage flooding in your yard. It is more of a job than a simple clogged drain. Through time, sewer lines are used a lot to flush the...
Most Frequently Asked Plumbing Questions
The most frequently asked plumbing questions are not the dumbest ones! But, they are the questions that form a basic foundation to our own plumbing knowledge. For the non-plumber, plumbing can be difficult to understand. Questions like "Why is my hot water heater not...
The Holiday Plumbing Wish List
The Holiday season is upon us and Santa is close to coming to town. What is on your holiday plumbing wish list this year? Is it a new toilet for the downstairs half bath? OR maybe you tried to replace the outside spigot. Either way, if you wish hard enough and give...
What To Do When The Sump Pump Alarm Goes Off
"What to do when the sump pump alarm goes off" is a great question. The sound of the alarm is scary enough because you might be on the verge of a flooded basement or crawl space. In this article we will go over some of the factors you may consider when you hear the...
Plumbing I Can Do Myself
When a simple plumbing issue come to rise in the home. "can I do this by myself" is a possible response you may have just so you can save some money. But, you may run into a time that the job is simply too big for your knowledge. Let's not worry about that scenario...
Carter’s My Plumber: Putting for Partners in Housing
A couple of weeks ago, Carter's My Plumber golfed to raise money for Partners in Housing. An organization out of Indianapolis, Partners in Housing helps get the homeless in Indy, indoors! Founded in 1993, Frank Hagaman noticed all the empty buildings downtown and the...
Things Plumbers Find With a Camera
When a clog or pipe burst happens and a professional plumber gets a call to fix it. The plumber has to fish around to see what is causing the problem within the drain. Sometimes it comes to a point where the plumber has send a camera down the line to get a visual...
Pro’s of Getting Your Drain Cleaned Professionally
Every once in a while you will need to get your drain cleaned because there will be a clog or an icky smell coming up and out. Whether the case, you can approach the drain yourself to try to resolve the problem. There are plenty of DIY techniques online. But, if you...
Is My Tap Water Safe to Drink?
Have you ever seen the movie Erin Brokovich and her journey of discovering contaminated tap water? If you have not, the topic of today's blog might motivate you too. Tap water usually does not look as a danger in your home. In which, if you drink it, there is a good...
Do I Need a New Water Softener?
Do you need a new water softener? Like every appliance in your home. It will eventually go bad. Old age kicks into the old piece of metal and you begin to see a decline in the job it is supposed to do. So, what about your water softener? Water softener's perform a...
How to Find Your Main Water Shut-Off Valve
Trying to find your main water shut-off valve? There are plenty of reasons on why you need to find your main water shut-off valve. Maybe you are getting your bathroom remodeled by a licensed plumber. Or you have noticed a really bad leak and you need to shut off the...
Toilet Tank, Base, or Bowl is Cracked?
No, it is not a sign that you need to go on a Jenny Craig diet. Cracking is a very common thing to happen. It happens because either your toilet is getting a little older or it encountered some impact. Usually, if your toilet has a crack we recommend a brand new...
Main Sewer Line Back-Up: Causes and Symptoms
The main sewer line that takes away your (well, you know) is critical to the function of any home or business. When that line gets clogged, it can cause a little chaos and a foul smell for that matter. But, do not worry, you can get this fixed by Carter's My Plumber!...
Bathroom Remodeling Tips!
So, you are going to remodel your bathroom? You want to update it to the more trendy ways of the new decade rolling in. Updating keeps things nice and adds value to your home. But, there are a couple big and minor things you can do to ensure that you and potential...