Plumbing Maintenance for Outside your Home
As the weather begins to cool off, now is the time to establish some good plumbing habits to protect your home. A few simple plumbing preparations now will prevent headaches and costly repairs throughout the winter months. Here are some Plumbing Maintenance Tips to help you be prepared!
Fall and Winter Plumbing Tips for Outside your House
- Keep gutters free from leaves and debris: If your gutters get clogged it can create drainage problems. Rainwater can overflow over the gutters and land on the ground around your house. It’s then more likely to seep into your foundation, basement or crawlspace and cause issues for you.
- Unhook outdoor hoses: Drain and store hoses in an area that does not go below freezing temperatures. If left connected, water in hoses can freeze and expand causing faucets and connecting popes inside your home to freeze and break.
- Get your sewer line cleaned and snaked: This is an item not often thought about but it’s best to be proactive and keep the system running the way it was designed to do. Get those pesky roots out of there as they won’t be growing much in the winter.
Some tasks, repairs and maintenance may end up being harder to complete than originally thought. If anything happens that makes you feel like you are in over your head – call Carter’s My Plumber at (317) 859-9999! Our licensed technicians have the knowledge, confidence and tools to remedy any plumbing issue. We are here to make sure your plumbing system is prepared for the temperatures ahead! We can’t wait to hear from you!